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Our After Hours Clinic Has Relocated!

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Brant Norfolk Veterinary Clinic has moved!
As of yesterday, March 7th, our after-hours clinic has relocated to 143 Lynden Road in Brantford. The clinic is now located slightly west of their old location. You’ll find them next to Pioneer Pools.
Their phone number is the same: 519-720-0753.
If you have an emergency after hours please call BNVC for assistance. They are open whenever we are closed.

Welcome Back!

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Welcome back!
We are so excited to finally to be able to allow you to accompany your pets into the office again!
We have missed your smiling faces and can’t wait to see you again!
We would like to take this time to assure you that although public health restrictions are loosening, we are still doing our best to assure that we protect all of those around us.
Here is a list of all of the things we are doing to ensure your continued safety:
• All staff are vaccinated
• Face masks are expected to be worn in the clinic at all times by all staff and patrons entering the building
• Enhanced disinfection protocols
• Hand sanitizing stations available in common areas and at entries/exits
• Continuation of curb side services for those individuals who prefer this and for visits not requiring entry into the clinic such as food/prescription pick ups
• Use of hepa filters and CO2 monitoring devices to monitor air quality.
Commonly Asked Questions:
1. Will I be able to accompany my pet into the clinic for his/her examination?
While we are excited to begin allowing clients back into the practice, we must continue to do so in a responsible and safe manner. Due to room limitations and overall size of the practice, we will be offering in-clinic appointments to SELECT clients ON ARRIVAL based on room availability at that time. Please be aware that this means you MAY NOT be invited to accompany your pet into the building if an appropriate examination room is not available at the time of your appointment.
We have opted to proceed in this fashion as we begin to open doors to allow for inevitable delays between appointments while we work out the details of enhanced disinfection protocols required between clients while minimizing delays this may cause between appointments.
2. How many people will be allowed to accompany our pet for his/her visit?
Due to the small size of our examination rooms and the number of people/animals in the building, we will be limiting the number of family members entering the hospital to 1 person per visit. Exceptions MAY be made in unusual circumstances or in the case of humane euthanasias.
3. What can I expect from my in clinic visit?
When you arrive at the clinic for your appointment, simply call inside and let our reception team know you have arrived. If at that time there is a room available facilitating the ability to do an in person visit, we will inform you and give you the option to accompany your pet. If you choose to accompany your pet into the building, you will be directed through our side entrances to the available examination room (Exam room 1 or exam room 2). One of our veterinarians will discuss your concerns in the exam room with you. Examinations will be performed outside the exam room with technicians helping to hold your pet. This is to facilitate social distancing with the need to have a technician available to help with the examination. At the end of your visit, our reception team will perform your billing in your examination room and exit will be through the side door.
4. Will my pet still be able to be seen curbside during this time?
During the pandemic some clients may have found their pets were anxious being led into the clinic without them, but many more have found that the pets are actually quite happy to visit without their pet parents. We are happy to continue to accommodate curbside services those clients who wish to avail themselves of the service.
As many of you may be aware, we took the opportunity throughout the pandemic to provide a much needed renovation to the inside of the clinic. We hope you will be as happy with the outcome as we are. As part of this renovation we were able to create a 3rd examination room in what was previously our pharmacy area. Due to the small size of this room and its location centrally within the clinic, we have made decided to utilize this space for curbside appointments only. Depending on room availability, you may find that curbside service is a more timely option for your visit. If so, we will be sure to let you know that this choice is available.
5. Why can’t I be present during my pet’s examination?
As previously mentioned, our exam rooms are small and in order to facilitate safe social distancing, we will be utilizing our staff for handling during examinations. To maintain safe occupation limits, the addition of a third person in the room has been deemed an unnecessary risk at this time. In order to keep your appointment on time and efficient, we have determined that utilizing our technical staff in 1 central location with pets brought to them will be more efficient.
6. What if I, or someone I know has been diagnosed with COVID or has symptoms of COVID?
As per general health and safety guidelines, we will be using our COVID screening tool to determine safe entry into the building. If it is determined that entry to the building is not safe for everyone involved then a curbside appointment will be offered.
7. Can I enter the building without a mask?
Due to the increased risk of transmission of COVID in smaller enclosed spaces such as our examination rooms, all clients entering the building will be required to wear a medical face mask covering their chin, mouth, and nose. Should you prefer NOT to wear a mask, we will be happy to provide curb side services.
8. How will I pick up my medications/prescription foods?
In order to limit the number of people inside the building at any given time, we will continue to offer curbside service for prescription and food pickups. When you arrive, simply call the clinic and let us know which parking spot you are in and we will bring your order directly to your car along with a payment terminal if required.

Curbside Service Will Remain in Effect

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We know you have all been wondering when we are going to start allowing clients into the building for appointments. Unfortunately with the increase in COVID-19 infection numbers in Ontario we will be continuing with our curbside service indefinitely. We will certainly keep you posted as things change. Thank you all for your patience. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Greetings for the 2021 Holiday Season

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2021 is quickly coming to a close and we would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your continued support during these trying times. We are fortunate to be able to continue providing medical services for our patients, even though it’s curbside. We know it is difficult to remain in your vehicle while your pet is in the clinic but it’s important that we keep everyone, clients and staff, safe.

We decided that we would use the time that clients are not coming in to update the front reception area. It was a much needed renovation and our contractor has been able to get things done faster by working during business hours. As soon as everything is complete we will post pictures. We were hoping to open up to clients again in January but with this recent increase in COVID numbers we just don’t know. We will keep everyone posted on Facebook and our website.

Our staff has grown quite a bit this year. In addition to our long time staff (like Sue who’s been here forever) we’ve had some new people join our team and previous team members return.

Dr. Lee (Shannon) is our clinic owner. She can be found each day performing surgery, with dentistries being her specialty, and seeing patients in appointments. When she’s not at the clinic she and her husband Matt are busy with their daughter Brooklyn, twins Colton and Aubrey, and their dog Max. The kids are busy with activities such as horseback riding, dance and Girl Guides. Shannon even took on the task of leading the Girl Guides Sparks group this past year. She will be leading the Brownies group in 2022.

Dr. Mantle (Lorna) shares her time away from the clinic with her husband Tom, her horse Victoria, 5 cats and numerous heritage chickens. She also plays host to an array of woodland animals that consider her home to be their home. She also plays the cello, loves gardening and travels when she can. Sue has even managed to invite herself along on a few of her trips.

We welcomed Dr. Courtney Winkels this summer to our full-time veterinary team. She is a 2021 graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. She has a special interest in exotics, especially birds, and has been so happy to meet everyone so far, if only on the phone. She recently adopted Lieutenant Dan, a 10 year Munchkin cat. He settled into his new home immediately and is adorable!

Dr. Justine Forbes (we mentioned in last year’s newsletter that she left to work in emergency medicine) is back working 1 day a week and will be here 2 days a week starting in January. We certainly missed her while she was gone!

Dr. Jim Stephenson, who owned the clinic before Dr. Lee, is helping out with surgery one day a week. So much for retirement!

Dr. Becky Kendall will be here Mondays starting in January. She has been helping out on occasion during the past year on an as-need basis, but after the holidays she’ll be here on a regular basis.

Our reception team has grown this year. Holly has been with us for over 4 years now. Her voice is probably one of the first that you’ll hear when you call us or when we call you. When not at the clinic she is busy with her horse, Frosty and keeps active with hiking and rock climbing.

Laura is on maternity leave with her second child, a daughter born in July and little sister to Conor. She even found and trained her replacement while she’s off! Lisa has an extensive background in customer service and loves helping everyone where she can. Lisa has fit in so well that we are keeping her when Laura comes back! She recently acquired a new puppy that is a real bundle of energy! Nina is a Blue Heeler and is a wonderful addition to Lisa’s four-legged family, which includes 2 cats named Hank and Waylon.

Grace is our newest addition to the reception team. She’s doing a wonderful job and can’t wait to meet everyone. When she’s not manning the phones here, she spends her spare time horseback riding, hiking and reading.

Kandace has also joined our team as our Animal Care Attendant. She is here to give specialized attention to all the animals that are in the clinic. She graduated from Durham College after studying animal care. When she’s not here she enjoys reading and walking her dog.

Gail has joined our team as our office and inventory manager. She comes to us with years of experience working in the veterinary field. She spends her time away from the clinic helping out with the family business, and spending time with her 3 dogs and 2 cats. She also enjoys crafts and creates beautiful water colour paintings.

Our veterinary technicians work primarily in the back. They are responsible for taking blood samples, taking x-rays, running blood and urine tests in our lab, anesthesia, monitoring patients before, during and after surgery, and taking care of sick patients that are in hospital.

Sue is our senior technician. When not busy working here she enjoys spending most of her time at home gardening in the nicer weather, traveling when possible, and hibernating this time of year. She also enjoys reading, Netflix, and shares her home with her husband Ed and their two cats Rufous and Baxter.

Crystal went on a trip to Saskatchewan to visit family and attended a wedding this past summer. She was excited to get on a plane, even if it was a short flight! She attended the RVT conference this past March on-line to keep up her continuing education. She shares her home with her husband Dave and their dog Steve.

Emily passed her RVT exam and is now a Registered Veterinary Technician. Congratulations, Emily! She enjoys spending her free time with her dog Gibson, reading and golfing in the summer.

We also have two part-time staff members who help us on weekends. Samantha helps with reception on Saturday mornings and Megan helps looking after our clinic cats on the weekends. At this time we are still not doing any boarding or grooming.

Speaking of clinic cats, Zeta is doing well and is still supervising everyone. She has slowed down a bit but still provides a lot of comic relief for us. What would we do without her? Our other clinic cat, Tommy, likes to keep a lower profile. However, this year we did manage to get him to participate in some of our Christmas photos.

For Christmas this year Dr. Lee treated the staff to a workshop at Walter’s Greenhouse a few weeks ago. We made beautiful outdoor planters. It’s amazing how creative we all are! It was nice to spend a day together away from work to have some fun. 

Veterinary medicine is constantly evolving, so our doctors and staff must be open-minded and be willing to keep up with these changes. Continuing education has been very challenging since the start of the pandemic. Conferences are taking place online in order to keep everyone safe. Most lectures are done via webinars over the internet so everyone can listen at the same time and ask questions while the webinar is live. We miss going to the conferences but thank goodness for technology to keep us in the loop!

We are still working closely with Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge. One of the highlights this year was helping a great horned owl with a broken leg. Broken legs in wild birds are uncommon – broken wings are what we see most often. We teamed up with Dr. Grant Scherer from Paris Veterinary Clinic again (he repaired a fawn’s broken leg last year) and after a successful surgery and physical therapy the owl regained full use of her leg and was eventually released back into the wild. Hobbitstee is one of a few licensed wildlife rehabilitators in Ontario. By working closely with wildlife custodian Chantal, we have learned how to examine and treat the diverse species that are rescued and rehabilitated. Congratulations are in order for Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge. They recently moved to a much larger property giving them the much needed room they need.

So in closing we would like to thank you for choosing us for your pet’s care, and for your patience with curbside service. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday and Happy New Year. Remember to stay safe. All the best for 2022.

The Doctors and Staff of Scott Veterinary Clinic.

Holiday Hours

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Friday December 24 CLOSED – CHRISTMAS EVE

Saturday December 25 CLOSED – CHRISTMAS DAY

Monday-Thursday December 27-30 8am-6pm

Friday December 31 CLOSED – NEW YEARS EVE

Saturday January 2 CLOSED – NEW YEARS DAY

Regular Hours will resume Monday, January 3rd, 2022


Brant Norfolk Veterinary Clinic (Dogs & Cats) 519-720-0753

Hamilton Emergency Veterinary Clinic (Dogs & Cats) 289-779-6907

Campus Estates Animal Hospital (Dogs, Cats, Exotics) 519-837-1212

Shop Online For Your Pet

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We’d like to introduce you to our online “Webstore”.

We recognize that you live a busy life and taking the time to drive to the clinic for your pet’s food can be a hassle. Who doesn’t love shopping from home? We also offer the added convenience of home delivery (free for orders over $100) or pick up here at the clinic. Home delivery in Southern Ontario has a nominal fee and products can even be delivered out of province for an additional fee. You can order your pet’s food and medications online through our webstore 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You can “Auto-Order” your items, too. After setting up your account your items can be delivered on a regular basis so you don’t have to worry about forgetting. As an added bonus, some companies offer a discount when auto-ordering their products.

To sign up for the webstore follow the link at the top of this page or call us for more information at (519) 752-3431.

Covid-19 Update

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We are happy to announce that we will soon be welcoming our clients back into the clinic! There is no definite date at this time but it will be sometime in the very near future. We are working hard preparing the inside of the clinic to keep everyone safe. Until our re-opening date we will be continuing with curb side service. Please stayed tuned for more updates.


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We are open again for appointments on Saturdays. Our hours are the same as always: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.  We are still “curb-side” only with the front door locked. Please call when you arrive for your appointment and one of our staff members will come out and bring your pet inside, or if you’ve placed an order for food or medication we can bring it out to your vehicle.  We are working hard on getting ready to have our front door open and allow clients to come inside.   We will let you know when that happens and in the meantime stay safe! 

Covid-19 Latest Update – May 14th

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Following Doug Ford’s announcement on May 14th that routine pet services can resume as of Tuesday, May 19th, we will be opening appointments up for services previously considered non-essential such as wellness exams, vaccines, heartworm testing and elective surgeries.

We understand that while everyone is very concerned to get their pet in for care, we ask that you please use discretion when calling us, especially this week. The doctors and staff are working very hard to provide service to everyone. We still have a long list of cancellations that must be addressed first. This is going to take some time so PLEASE BE PATIENT.

For the time being we are still working with the front door locked. Since social distancing is still very important we will continue to have a staff member come to your car to collect your pet and bring out items that you have purchased. You do have the option of dropping your pet off and coming back later, rather than waiting in your car.

We appreciate your continued patience during these unprecedented times.

We are looking forward to seeing our clients and patients, and for things to return to normal.


PLEASE CALL 519-752-3431



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Until further notice, we will not be open on Saturdays. If you have an emergency please contact Brant-Norfolk Veterinary Clinic at 519-720-0753. They are always open whenever we are closed.

In these uncertain times we are carefully following the government’s guidelines for essential services. We feel very honoured to be included and we feel privileged to be able to continue keeping your pets healthy. Having said that, the government is currently allowing us to only see urgent cases. Unfortunately, this means that we cannot perform ANY elective procedures, such as spays and neuters, until further notice.

You can still pick up food, prescriptions, and flea and tick medication using our curb-side service. Simply pre-pay for your items over the phone and we will bring them out to you. You can contact us by email at or by phone at 519-752-3431.

Hopefully this pandemic will come to a close soon and life returns to normal, whatever that may be. Thank you for your patience.

Take care and stay safe.