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Working With Wildlife

Raccoon Reduction

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This poor raccoon arrived at Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge with his tail badly injured. Chantal assumed this poor fellow had his tail caught by a predator. There wasn’t much left of it.  His wound was cleaned up and he was given pain medication and started on antibiotics.  The first picture shows him resting in his kennel before coming to see us. 

There was nothing we could do to save the tail so we took the raccoon to surgery and amputated it. The stump that was left looks healthy and he should recover well. He’ll get used to not having a tail and will be able to adjust and have a healthy, happy life.

Another Fractured Fawn

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June 14, 2023

We were fortunate enough to have time at the end of our busy day for Dr. Lee to see this fawn that had been hit by a car. As suspected the fawn’s tibia was broken and fortunately appeared to be a good candidate for surgery.  We determined that the fawn’s pelvis was intact, so apart from some cuts and scrapes this appeared to be the only serious injury.

Dr. Grant Scherer from Paris Veterinary Clinic made room in his busy schedule and we made plans to do the surgery the next day (June 15th) here at Scott Veterinary Clinic. 

With the help of our staff and two veterinary students who came with Dr. Scherer, he was able to plate the leg with no unexpected difficulties. The fawn did great under general anesthesia.

The post-op x-rays show that the bone is nicely aligned and with lots of rest it should heal and the fawn should do well.

The fawn will be back in 8 weeks for follow up x-rays to see if the leg is healed well enough to remove the plate. The metal attached to the bone can be problematic in the cold weather in the winter, causing pain and possible frostbite.


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Recently, this lovely Foxsnake found himself stuck in plastic turtle exclusion fence and we mean STUCK. In the struggle to free himself he received rather deep wounds to his neck and wounds in other spots on his body as well as a serious tail injury.

We are working with the team at Hobbitstee Wildlife to help the snake heal so he can go back to the wild and hopefully produce many healthy offspring.

Foxsnakes are a Species at Risk in our province.

On a Wing and a Prayer

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This raven youngster flew in to a pole his first time flying out of the nest and had the misfortune of injuring his wrist.  We saw him on May 31st and after x-rays were taken we discovered the wrist was actually broken.  The fractured wrist was carefully bandaged and we are going to see how this fellow does with rest.  We are hopeful for a good outcome for this very vocal youngster.

Battered Beaver

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May 25th:  This beaver was attacked by another beaver in a territorial dispute and sustained nasty bite wounds which were quite deep and infected. He had his wounds surgically debrided by Dr. Lee and the rest of the team here.   Due to the locations of the wounds we needed a creative bandaging solution and Kate, our manager who is also an RVT suggested stay-sutures with a shoelace type idea and they worked extremely well.  Back at Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge, Chantal has been using propolis honey from  Honey Bee Research Centre at the University of Guelph and photobiomodulation treatments to expedite healing as well as the more traditional antibiotics and pain medication.

This special boy recovered nicely and was eventually released.


Fractured Fawn

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This case dates back to May of 2020. This fawn was found by the side of the road presumably hit by a car. Another clinic was kind enough to do the initial radiographs that showed a mid-shaft, slight oblique fracture of the left tibia (the long bone in the lower half of the back leg). It looked like with some help this fawn had a good chance of being released.

We contacted Dr. Scherer at Paris Veterinary Clinic for his advice and he recommended surgery. He offered to come to our clinic to plate this leg as this was the best option for this fracture. The fawn was otherwise stable so we prepared for surgery.

The surgery consisted of screwing a plate to connect and stabilize the 2 bones, with the help of some cerclage wire. The post-op radiographs showed good bone alignment. We were hopeful for a full recovery.

On June 15th we re-x-rayed the leg. The plate appeared to have shifted somewhat and some screws had loosened so it wasn’t doing its job. Removal of the plate was somewhat risky at this point but it was a necessary risk. With R & R back at Hobbistee this little fellow healed well and was eventually released.

How the Opossum Lost His Tail

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This little opossum arrived at Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge after being found stealing eggs from a chicken coop. He had a very serious tail injury. It appeared to have been frost-bitten and the injury was aggravated by his chewing at it. After he arrived at Hobbitstee Chantal consulted with Dr. Lee about a plan of action for the tail. Antibiotics were started and surgery was scheduled to remove the damaged part. Surgery took place a few days ago and he did great! He will stay with Hobbitstee until he’s ready to be released and should live a long happy life.



Our Way of Giving Back

By Working With Wildlife No Comments

We have been working alongside Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge for almost 7 years now. We learned about Chantal Theijn and the work that she does with injured and sick wildlife when she reached out to the public searching for lab equipment. We had just upgraded our lab and had just the ticket! We were not able to do anything with our old equipment so we donated it to her. Since Dr. Lee has a keen interest in birds we decided to start working with Chantal. It’s been very exciting to work with the various wild birds that are brought to us. We have examined, diagnosed and treated hawks, eagles, owls, and loons among others for various ailments.

Some time after starting this endeavour we began treating various species of mammals and reptiles. Chantal has brought us fawns, beavers, porcupines, foxes, opossums, turtles and snakes to name a few that needed help. We have been able to forge a wonderful working relationship with Dr. Grant Scherer from Paris Veterinary Clinic who has been kind enough to donate his orthopedic skills in repairing fractures.  So far he has pinned and plated broken legs in a fawn, an owl, and a porcupine. Of course, we donate all of our time as well. For us it gives us a feeling of accomplishment and knowing that we are giving back through this extraordinary organization.

We will post pictures as cases come in, as well as some of our older ones.  There are lots of posts on our Facebook page, too.

You can find more information about Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge at