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We are open again for appointments on Saturdays. Our hours are the same as always: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.  We are still “curb-side” only with the front door locked. Please call when you arrive for your appointment and one of our staff members will come out and bring your pet inside, or if you’ve placed an order for food or medication we can bring it out to your vehicle.  We are working hard on getting ready to have our front door open and allow clients to come inside.   We will let you know when that happens and in the meantime stay safe! 

Covid-19 Latest Update – May 14th

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Following Doug Ford’s announcement on May 14th that routine pet services can resume as of Tuesday, May 19th, we will be opening appointments up for services previously considered non-essential such as wellness exams, vaccines, heartworm testing and elective surgeries.

We understand that while everyone is very concerned to get their pet in for care, we ask that you please use discretion when calling us, especially this week. The doctors and staff are working very hard to provide service to everyone. We still have a long list of cancellations that must be addressed first. This is going to take some time so PLEASE BE PATIENT.

For the time being we are still working with the front door locked. Since social distancing is still very important we will continue to have a staff member come to your car to collect your pet and bring out items that you have purchased. You do have the option of dropping your pet off and coming back later, rather than waiting in your car.

We appreciate your continued patience during these unprecedented times.

We are looking forward to seeing our clients and patients, and for things to return to normal.


PLEASE CALL 519-752-3431



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Until further notice, we will not be open on Saturdays. If you have an emergency please contact Brant-Norfolk Veterinary Clinic at 519-720-0753. They are always open whenever we are closed.

In these uncertain times we are carefully following the government’s guidelines for essential services. We feel very honoured to be included and we feel privileged to be able to continue keeping your pets healthy. Having said that, the government is currently allowing us to only see urgent cases. Unfortunately, this means that we cannot perform ANY elective procedures, such as spays and neuters, until further notice.

You can still pick up food, prescriptions, and flea and tick medication using our curb-side service. Simply pre-pay for your items over the phone and we will bring them out to you. You can contact us by email at or by phone at 519-752-3431.

Hopefully this pandemic will come to a close soon and life returns to normal, whatever that may be. Thank you for your patience.

Take care and stay safe.

Visiting the clinic? Here’s what you need to know

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If you are planning to visit the clinic please call us first. The front door is being kept locked for everyone’s safety.


For Animal Visits:

  • Please return to your car and call us at 519-752-3431.
  • A staff member will come out and collect your pet from your car.
  • The Doctor will call you on your cell phone to discuss your pet’s needs.
  • Your pet will be examined.
  • The Doctor will call you back and discuss their findings and recommendations.
  • You will be transferred to the front desk for payment processing over the phone.
  • A staff member will return your pet and all medication/food and items your pet will need.

For Medication & Food Pick Up

  • Please return to your car and call us at 519-752-3431.
  • The front desk will process payment over the phone.
  • A staff member will come out and give you your items.


For those of your waiting for food orders, our supplier is working very hard to get our orders to us as quickly as possible, but as of March 31st most food orders will take approximately 7-10 business days to arrive. Thank you for your patience.

Thank you for helping keep our staff and clients safe.

Scott Veterinary Clinic Staff




Covid-19 Update

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At Scott Veterinary Clinic, we are committed to the health of our clients and companion patients. As such, we are closely monitoring the developing COVID-19 crisis. At this time, we are committed to remain open to continue to serve the pet population of Brantford. On top of our current comprehensive cleaning and safety protocols, we have increased our efforts around the hospital to keep exposure to COVID-19 to a minimum.
What are we doing?

  • We use a known viricidal (virus killing) spray frequently on exposed surfaces – especially focusing in on the waiting room, the exam room, the surgical and treatment area, and other high-traffic areas of the hospital.

  • During the course of this epidemic, we will be using anti-bacterial wipes on all door handles between patients and on our payment processing machines after each use.

  • Our staff is highly educated in infection control measures for our veterinary patients, the majority of this knowledge which applies in this human-based crisis.

  • We are committed to continuing to see patients for all of accidents, emergencies, ailments and illnesses, HOWEVER we will be cancelling elective appointments and procedures until further notice.

What is the risk to our animals?

  • According to WHO, the risk of transmission from humans to cats and dogs is likely incredibly low (there has only been one case of a dog who tested ‘weak positive’ in Hong Kong) and the chance of them transmitting COVID-19 to us is exceedingly low, based on current information.

  • Despite this, they still recommend frequent handwashing around pets and discourage letting your dog and cat lick your face, until more is known.

  • Should you become ill, please treat your pets as any other family member and limit your contact with them as much as possible.

What can our clients do?
In order to keep us from having an exposure in hospital, we ask the following:

  • If you are in self-quarantine, we ask you not to bring yourself or pet in hospital. If it is life threatening pet emergency, we will provide directions on how to safely see your pet without exposing other individuals.

  • If you have travelled to an at risk area, have come into possible contact with a COVID-19 positive person, or have any sign of respiratory disease we ask you to delay any routine care or elective surgeries for your pet.

    • If your pet is sick and needs an appointment: We may ask you to drop off your pet for an exam and admit from your car and have a doctor or staff member take history over the phone.

  • We encourage you to use our provided antiseptic handwashing solutions around the hospital (there are some at reception and in each exam room), even if you feel completely healthy.

  • We would ask that you limit the amount of people coming into the clinic to one (1). Our staff is happy to help you if you need extra assistance coming or leaving the practice.

  • We continue to offer our online web store where you can have veterinary specific food delivered right to your door. Please phone our front desk for more information on this program!

We will continue to communicate with you on any changes to our COVID-19 plan by social media, or by our after-hours message.

From all of us at Scott Veterinary Clinic we wish you safety and health in these uncertain times.

Warm Regards,

Dr. Shannon Lee and the staff of Scott Veterinary Clinic

dog using a laptop computer


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With the recent concerns and uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to reach out to let each of you know that we remain open for business and are committed to helping keep both our clients and patients stay healthy during this turbulent time.

Of course, I would like to reassure you that we are taking every available precaution to help keep one another healthy. The health and well-being of our clients, staff and patients remains our utmost priority. While infection control measures are consistently in place to help prevent disease transmission within our office, we have enforced additional infection control guidelines to help ensure a safe environment for all.  

With this in mind, we ask that any client requiring an examination please follow social distancing guidelines whenever possible. If you are ill, or have recently travelled please call ahead so that we can make alternate arrangements to see your pet without putting your neighbours at risk.

Of course we understand that access to your pets’ nutritional requirements and medications is essential. At this time we would like to assure you that our Webstore is running efficiently and remind you that it is possible to have your foods and medications delivered to your door without having to leave the comfort of home. This service is available to you 24/7.   You can sign up here on our website or contact us if you have any questions.  To ensure that there is an adequate supply for all, we have limited transactions to a maximum of 2 bags of food per client per order.
Please bear with us as we navigate the ever evolving situation. If there are important updates we will ensure that you are kept up to date of any changes involving your pet’s care. In times like these we want you to know that we are here for you.

Thank you for continuing to entrust your pet’s healthcare to us.


Dr. Shannon Lee  
Scott Veterinary Clinic


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Warmest wishes to all from your friends at Scott Veterinary Clinic!

Two thousand and nineteen has been another busy year here at Scott Veterinary Clinic. We have all been very busy working to make your visits a better experience for you and your pets. Your comfort and happiness are our priority, and we strive to exceed your expectations at every visit.

Many of you have noticed our new signs and commented on how much you like them. Thank you. We like them too, and can’t wait to get them lit up!

We have also made significant improvements to our surgical monitoring equipment and diagnostic equipment. This will make your pets procedures safer and more comfortable. Construction is about to begin in the Dog Ward. We are having new indoor dog runs installed. Our outdoor runs are great for the summer months but this will give our boarders extra space for the cooler winter months.

We have added some new faces to our staff recently. Have you met our newest receptionist Kali? Kali recently graduated from the Veterinary Assistant program at Seneca College. She is very helpful and friendly, a lovely addition to our team. We are so happy to have Kali!

You may also have seen our student Beatrice joining in on appointments and helping out around the clinic. Beatrice is a McMaster student currently and hopes to attend the Ontario Veterinary College in September of 2020. Beatrice is here getting some clinical experience, we think she is going to make a great doctor!

We also welcomed back Dr. Forbes this year. She has returned to work after recovering from surgery to repair her fractured ankle. We missed Dr. Forbes and are happy she has returned.

Our wonderful receptionist Laura and her husband Ryan have welcomed their new son Conor to their family. Conor was born on August 31, the day after Laura left for her maternity leave. Conor is a very sweet little boy. Congratulations Laura and Ryan!

We are very sad to announce that one face is missing from our clinic family. Our Spookie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Spookie had been battling inflammatory bowel disease for several years. We could no longer support her enough to keep her happy and comfortable. Spookie will be sadly missed.

Zeta misses Spookie too but she is still up to her usual monkey business of breaking and entering other kennels to steal food, smashing the treat jar on the floor, hoping it will open and just being a general nuisance. What would we do without her?


A very special dog named Scarlet came into our lives in 2019 as well. Scarlet lived with a young family that loved her. Scarlet had contracted heartworm disease and was also struck by a vehicle. Her family chose to surrender her to the SPCA so that she could be attended to properly. Dr. Lee chose to donate all of Scarlet’s treatments, surgeries, medications and care. She has spent the past 6 months with us in recovery and rehabilitation. Scarlet has just recently found her new forever home. We wish her and her new family the best of luck!

It has also been a busy year working with our friend Chantal at Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge. We are so happy to help with all of her special cases. To name a few, this year we helped a fox kit with a broken jaw. She made a full recovery and was successfully released. There were many birds with multiple wing and other injuries. We saw owls, swans, loons, eagles, hawks, sea gulls, and geese. Through surgical repair, splints and bandages, a great number of them were rehabilitated and released. We also helped some snakes, opossums, turtles, coyotes, and fawns along the way and were glad to do so. Every little life matters and is important to us.

A t this time we want to take a moment to let you know that we cherish each and every one of you and we are so glad that you have chosen us to be such an important part of your pet’s life.

We hope that this Christmas season brings with it everything you are wishing for. We wish you time with your family and friends, a nice dinner, (maybe two), some pretty lights or a lovely tree, whatever your wish may be. Last but not least; love and celebrate your pets every day. The human animal bond is a powerful force that you are so fortunate to have found.

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appy Holidays from everyone at Scott Veterinary Clinic!

Winter Hazards

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Autumn certainly disappeared in a hurry! We no sooner finished raking leaves and the cold weather was here. Winter can be a beautiful time of year, with fresh snowfalls, outdoor activities with our families and our pets.

We have a few recommendations for you to help keep your pets safe during this season:

1. Salt: Coarse salt is usually used for de-icing sidewalks and streets and can be dangerous for your dogs feet. Walking through it should be avoided. Prolonged contact can cause burns, and your dog can ingest it by licking his paws. If your dog will tolerate wearing boots that would be the safest way to keep his feet clean and dry. If not be sure to wipe the paws as soon as you come indoors. This will also give you an opportunity to check for cuts and scrapes from ice. Pet friendly de-icing products can be purchased for use instead of regular salt.

2. Extreme cold: If it’s too cold for you to stay outside, it’s too cold for your pet. Some breeds of dogs have been adapted to live in cold climates so some exceptions can be made. For dogs that do live outdoors proper housing is extremely important. Usually it’s best for dogs to stay inside and go outside for short periods of time to relieve themselves. Coats and boots help them to cope with the low temperatures. Cats and dogs are susceptible to frostbite so it’s best to keep them indoors when it’s very cold out.

5/ Snowstorms: Did you know a dog can lose his scent trail and sense of direction in a snowstorm? This is a good reason to keep them on a leash if you are walking in a blizzard.

6/ Antifreeze: Antifreeze is one of the most dangerous hazards that face animals in the winter. It is extremely toxic and has a sweet taste so they are attracted to drinking it. It takes approximately 3 ounces of ethylene glycol (the active ingredient in antifreeze) to be lethal to a large dog. Please be cautious with its use and never let pets drink from puddles, they may contain antifreeze.



Halloween Hazards

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It’s easy to get caught up in all the excitement at Halloween but we need to remember to be extra vigilant with our pets during this busy time. Whether it’s Trick or Treating, or parties at home it’s very important to avoid the following dangers:

1. Ingesting chocolate: Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine (a vasodilator and diuretic) which can cause life threatening seizures and/or increased heart rate. If your pet ingests chocolate call your veterinarian immediately. The type of chocolate (milk, dark) and the amount are important information that your vet will need. Depending on what was ingested, no treatment may be needed, or emergency treatment may be needed.

2. Ingesting Xylitol: Xylitol is a natural product derived from sugar and is used to sweeten things such as chewing gum. It is safe for humans but not for our pets. Even small amounts can be dangerous for dogs. It causes the pancreas to secrete more insulin than usual causing a dangerously low blood sugar which can be fatal. Call your veterinarian immediately if your pet ingests anything with xylitol in it.

2. Noise: Your pet may become very anxious or stressed with the sounds of children coming to your door, whether they knock, ring the door bell or yell “trick or treat”. Be prepared. Putting your pet in a quiet room may help, a Thunder shirt, or maybe spending some time at a friend’s house that will be quieter. In some cases some anti-anxiety medication may help.

3. Escape: When the door is constantly being opened for Trick or Treaters there is a chance that your pet may slip out unnoticed. Be vigilant. Put your pet in a room or in a crate to keep them safe.

4. Decorations: These can become a hazard if your pets eat them. They can become lodged in the intestines and cause a life threatening emergency. Keep your pet away from all decorations or small toys. Call your veterinarian immediately if your pet ingests something, or begins to show signs of being unwell.


♫ Summer Time, Summer Time, Sum-Sum-Summertime ♫♪♫

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Finally the weather is warming up. After what seemed like an eternity of rain we have sunshine and blue skies.

This is the time of year to remember that we need to take special care of our four-legged friends when it’s hot outside.

Leaving your pet in a hot car, even for a few minutes, can be life threatening. Researchers have studied how long it takes for a car to heat up on a hot day. The findings were alarming: in less than an hour the inside temperature of a car parked in the sun on a day that reached 35 degrees C or hotter, hit an average of 47 degrees C!

Cars parked in the shade on a hot day had lower – but still scorching – temperatures. After 1 hour, the interior temperature of these cars reached an average of 38 degrees C.

The dashboards of these cars averaged 48 degrees C, the steering wheel averaged 42 degrees C, and the seats averaged 41 degrees C. It is never safe to leave a pet unattended in a parked car, even with the windows rolled down.

If you see a pet left in a car you can call 310-SPCA (7722), your local SPCA or Humane Society, or your local police.


Another thing that we need to be careful of is the temperature of asphalt. Unless you’re walking around barefoot it’s easy to forget just how hot the pavement can be. Use the “5 second rule” to determine if it’s cool enough for your pet’s feet. Place the back of your hand on the pavement where you want to walk your dog. If it’s too hot to leave it there for 5 seconds it’s too hot for the pads of your dog’s feet. Serious burns can occur.

Stay safe and have a great summer!